Making Waterproof Matches with Candle Wax

Blake Alma
By Blake Alma July 23, 2016 02:11

Making Waterproof Matches with Candle Wax

how to make waterproof matches with candle wax

Using matches to start a fire is awesome, unless you end up getting you matches wet. If your matches get wet they will never ignite. Matches are a great and simple way to start a fire in a survival situation as long if they are waterproof. I only have a few problems with matches. Matches burn out fast, they can easily be blown out by the wind, and they are not typically waterproof. I would always recommend carrying a small pack of matches in your pocket at all times, in the event you need them. Also, having matches in your car, at home, and in your office is ideal. If the power goes out you have light. If you have no way to cook your food, a match can get your fire going to cook up your meal. Carrying matches at all times is a great safety precaution. I would also recommend using waterproof matches. You can purchase waterproof matches or you can make them own your own, of which I will be teaching you in this article.


You’ll need to make waterproof matches:

  • A candle
  • Ordinary matches
  • A water faucet


How To Make Waterproof Matches In 3 Easy Steps

  1. Light your candle with a match or lighter. Let it burn for about 2 minutes.

candle wax for waterproofing matches

  1. Blow out the candle. Then quickly take an unused match and dip the tip of the match in the candle wax. Make sure the enter tip is covered in wax.

waterproofing matches for SHTF

  1. After you have removed the match from the candle, go take that match to a water faucet and get it wet.


  1. Go outside and strike that match. It may take more than one strike to remove the wax so that it can ignite the match. The match should light. The wax will also make the match burn a little longer.


If the match did not light, apply more wax to another match. Waterproofing more than one match at a time is ideal. You now have successfully made a waterproof match!

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Blake Alma
By Blake Alma July 23, 2016 02:11
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