Planning For The SHTF Event Parts 2 and 3

Richard Maida
By Richard Maida February 12, 2019 10:36


You have now survived whatever the event was. If you have not been scooped up by the authorities, such as police or National Guard, and still have freedom of action you have three basic options from here.

  1. GET BACK   Also called Boogie Back, Bounce Back or Return to Home (RTH) this means to get back home from where you are at, be it work, school, shopping , or in the worst case, on vacation. This is where having a pre-packed bag of some sort will be a life saver.
  2. GET OUT   Also called Get Out of Dodge (GOOD) or a “bug out”, this is where you can’t safely stay where you are. This may have been part of your plan, or have been forced upon you by the situation. You may have to try and get from work to your home to shelter there as planned, or once there, get your gear and head to your safe haven. You may have your GO kits together or may have to go with what you have.
  3. STAY PUT   Also called “hunkering down” or “Sheltering in Place” (SIP), this might mean your home, a safe haven you have gotten to, or the job site, shopping center or school where you are at. In the last case, hopefully you have some kind of basic items with you. We will examine the different aspects of each of these options, and as always, are open to new ideas and suggestions. 


You are at work and survive when an event hits, but you need to get to your safe haven, whether it is your home, or another location.

First, you should have planned a route to get you out of the business area of town and into the countryside as fast as possible, especially avoiding any known bad areas. This may NOT be the route you take to work as highways may be destroyed or blocked. Plan a number of alternate routes.

Second, get out of the area as FAST as you can. Within an hour the “bad folk” are going to come slithering out to loot and rob.

Third, have some basic gear you can grab and go with.  A backpack would be nice, but many jobs either forbid such items for security reasons or have little place to securely stow them. You can keep one in the car trunk, but you can’t count on getting to the car. The alternative is a “lunch bag” kit.


            This is your basic “ace up your sleeve” kit that can be taken into almost any average work environment and never draw so much as a second look.

It starts with a simple, average lunch bag, but inside it has the basics for your survival.

It can hold a rolled up water bag and/or assorted sized zip lock bags for carrying water and other uses, a tin box for carrying the items, signaling, and possibly cooking in, a Mylar foil blanket for warmth, a mini AM/FM radio with batteries and ear buds, water purification tablets, an emergency poncho, a pack of 2 light sticks, a candle, matches and a disposable lighter, a mini multi-tool,  a mini flashlight, and a mini first aid kit with band aids, tape, ointment, and gauze pads. (You can also put in a small tin with aspirins, cold meds, etc.)

Most of the items fit in the front pockets. Leaving you room inside to carry your zip lock bags of water, or to put a small cloth bag to carry the water bags in. Add mints, gum, energy bars and tissues, or stash them in a locker or desk drawer.  For your keychain you can add a Para cord bracelet and compass along with pepper spray where legal.

Totally discrete, it’s a stealth kit that will give you that extra edge.


Visit: EZ Battery Reconditioning To Learn More here:

Richard Maida
By Richard Maida February 12, 2019 10:36
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