5 Things You Need To Survive In The Wilderness

Michael Cantrell
By Michael Cantrell January 3, 2017 16:13

5 Things You Need To Survive In The Wilderness

Bushcraft is about thriving in the natural environment, and the acquisition of the skills and knowledge to do so.  Here are five bushcraft skills you must know to survive.

Hunting, Fishing, and Trapping

In bushcraft, it is of the upmost importance to learn how to hunt, fish and trap in order to eat quality protein your body will need as you expend energy.  There are many elements to learn the ability to hunt for food by use of traps, nets, snares, bow and arrow, and/or blades to spear.  I recommend you learn all the above for your best chance of survival.


The Ability to make fire in different conditions is an essential part of bushcraft survival.  There are many techniques to building a fire such as using sunlight, friction fires with a bow drill or hand drill or the flint and steel method to throw sparks on tinder.  The easiest method would be to use a lighter or matches but that is not always the case in a survival situation so it’s a good idea to learn these other methods.

Cutting Blade

Without a doubt the most important tool any bushcrafter should have is a quality blade.  A good bushcraft blade shall be sturdy and lightweight that is made from the highest quality steel with a full tang.  Your blade will serve many purposes such as cutting meat, rope, wood and used as a tool to help you in many instances.


Learning to build a shelter is a vital aspect of being outdoors.  Your clothing is your first layer of shelter to keep you warm, dry and to keep your skin from the sun.  Your next skill set you should learn would be to build a shelter to sleep, in order to keep you out of the nasty elements. Your basic shelter can be just a roof, a wall to block high winds or sometimes just getting off the ground can save your life.


Rope or paracord has many uses in the wilderness.  Learning how to tie knots or joining two pieces together is a valuable resource.  Rope can be used to make snares, hold your shelter together, make weapons and so many other valuable uses for such a lightweight tool. It is wise to learn more about ropecraft as you never know when it will be needed.

Bushcraft emphasizes skills with simple tools, such as knives, or primitive tools made of stone, bone and wood.  The point is to be able to create everything you need from materials readily available in the creation.

You should learn fundamental skills how to live closer to creation. Instead of just surviving, you should learn to live and thrive with the natural materials that surround you.


Michael Cantrell


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Michael Cantrell
By Michael Cantrell January 3, 2017 16:13
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