25 Must Know Skills For Surviving What Could Be The Coming Nightmare

By admin January 15, 2013 23:04

25 Must Know Skills For Surviving What Could Be The Coming Nightmare

25 must know survival skills from shtfplan.com

Many people nowadays are quite aware that the world they live in is going to the toilet. Aside from the geophysical part that “seems” to be going haywire and could be nothing other than the planet’s cycles, there are plenty of man made catastrophes that loom on the horizon. Never has the planet had as many people as now and the more people there are the more competition there is for resources.

The following are 25 suggestions on those survival skills that will likely be needed after a nightmare has hit human civilization with a vengeance. Each of these 25 skills can fill an entire article on learning and teaching of it.

Click here to learn these 25 must know skills…

25 Must Know Skills For Surviving A Catastrophic Nightmare

Learn how to grow your own farm all year round: http://survivalistdaily.com/mysurvivalfarm

If you really want to learn how to grow all year round, including the winter.
Check out this video from My Survival farm at: http://survivalistdaily.com/mysurvivalfarm

By admin January 15, 2013 23:04
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